Monday, November 9, 2009

There is no better way to understand a subject than to teach it!

Judy shares what it is like to teach Social Studies to the Haitian teachers:

I am learning all about the globe, projections, imaginary lines, coordinates - all the technical part of geography as I try to teach it to the St. Paul's teachers and try to explain how to make a map of the classrom or school to a group where no one has ever seen an architect's blueprint! The bird's eye view (from above) vs. an elevation (the building seen from the side). I don't think they appreciated my tree as seen from above, the circle of the trunk with squiggly branches. But everyone is very willing to try.
The next day we struggled through finding places on the world maps and our time was up before we knew it, with only the first set of coordinates found (for Port-au-Prince). We had to go back to the beginning and start with 0 degrees at Greenwich and 0 degrees at the equator.....
I'm more comfortable teaching about countries, and will go into some depth about China and South Africa, with our photos and anecdotes. But as on previous visits, we have the most fun singing. French folk songs take on more life here!

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